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Photographer Noel Gonzalez Shows the Sexy Side of Male Models

A photographer living in Las Vegas, Noel Gonzalez knows how to make male models look sexy. He has worked with local magazines in Las Vegas, and has worked as a fashion stylist for a high-end designer store and in visual management.

In this exclusive interview, Noel shares some of his hottest work, and talks about what he looks for in a male model. You've already seen some of Noel's excellent work on modelJOCK.com, accompanying the interview with male model Osiris Cruz. Now here's even more to admire. 

Where are you from originally?
Originally From Vegas; I grew up in three countries: Mexico, Spain and the U.S.

How long have you been doing photography?
I have been working with digital images for five years, and last year decided to do it professionally full time.

How do you find your male models?
I started with some of my friends, then friends of my friends, my gym and lately wherever I go and meet people, they tell me that they have seen my work and immediately ask me to work with them.

What do you look for in a male model? 
The eyes, the connection. I ask them how do they feel, because what they feel they will show it in the eyes. I love to find an expression that people don't usually see, love transmitting a feeling or a reaction to the viewers.

Where can we follow your work?
My website is now under construction; I got a new domain but for sure here's my Facebook page where you can find me:

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