Happy Holidays from modelJOCK.com (and Male Model Jordano)
It's that time of year. The Christmas tree is up at the modelJOCK Suite in New York City, and I just can't let the opportunity go by without doing my traditional off-beat holiday shoot and VIDEO.
Male fashion model Jordano Richardson shows his amazing talent in "Dangerous Holiday (Underwear Remix)," a slightly bizarre video and themed photo shoot, which combines elements of B-movie film noir with lots of Jordano's natural sex appeal and acting ability, as he tries on some rather small briefs and long underwear, and poses for artistic nude shots.
Stay tuned to see more, and happy holidays!
Don't forget to shop for last-minute holiday gifts at the Mark Edward Studio / modelJOCK.com bookstore and gift shop. And it's not too late to order! The 2012 Men of modelJOCK Calendar
Don't miss the action.
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It's not too late to order! The 2012 Men of modelJOCK Calendar
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