Mark Sanchez may not be playing the Super Bowl, but he's among the football players who've scored biggest in the field of modeling.
Today is the Super Bowl in the United States, and while it's clear that for many positions it's more important to be big, forceful and strategic, rather than cut, defined and creative, several U.S. football players have attracted attention for their physique and presence in front of the camera. Today, the Pittsburgh Steelers play against the Green Bay Packers. Do you have any favorites on these teams if you were betting on who'd make the best male model?
While you ponder that, here are a few National Football League players from various teams, who've scored well with their shirts off (to see even more of the New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez, visit my other blog,
Tom Brady got his T-shirt wet for this photoshoot. |
Brady Quinn may not have done this during a formal shoot, but it still made it to print. |
Adrian Peterson has a ripped physique that works well in fitness modeling. |
Brady Quinn got wet for this shot. Are we seeing a pattern here of football players getting wet? |
Brady Quinn stretching on the field. |
Football gear looks stylish in black and white, when Brady Quinn wears it. |
Mark Sanchez strategizes on the field. |
Mark Sanchez did a multi-page photoshoto for GQ (to see more: |
Troy Polamalu is known as much for his hair as his physique and playing skills. |
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